
Teamlinker is a cooperation platform that integrates different kind of modules.You can contact your teammates,assign your tasks,start a meeting,schedule your events,manage your files and so on with Teamlinker.

Teamlinker solves the problems that how to connect each other in a team and cooperate efficiently.For many companies,they use a tool to check the project process,and use a tool to talk with other colleagues,and use another tool to have a meeting with customers,they should prepare different accounts in different tools and the data is separated.And also,the costs for these tools are very huge.Now under the environment of recession,high budget doesn't make sense.We need a tool that it can provide most basic cooperation requirements and the cost is very low,so we build Teamlinker.

Teamlinker is based on TeamOS system,it's a kind of WebOS.the interaction allows user to process different work parallel.We can open windows,apps just like the operating system such as Win and Mac.

There are six prime functionalities in Teamlinker:







Each functionality has been integrated deeply and smoothly.

Teamlinker is built with these libraries and packages:

frontend: vueopen in new window typescriptopen in new window arco-design-vueopen in new window

backend: node.jsopen in new window redis mysql rabbitmq mediasoupopen in new window

Last Updated:
Contributors: sx1989827